
Thank you prayer partners for keeping up with the Pounds family.  Many of you have asked about our timeline for moving to Burlington and how things are progressing in general.  In the almost 8 weeks since we’ve left NJ we’ve enjoyed some quality time with our families, Christin and Jude visited some of her extended family in Texas, while I traveled to S.E. Asia.  Now we’re revving up for Burlington.

Below is our updated moving timeline including specific prayer requests:

*Over the past few days I’ve emailed a dozen potential apartments and rental homes in Burlington. Please pray for God to direct us to the right home in the right area where we can begin building relationships immediately and move towards hosting a house church in the near future.  Ask that God will give us favor with our new landlord and neighbors.

*This week I’m also working on making sure Awareness to Action (a nonprofit I and some friends started in NJ) is caught up on all of its paperwork and legal to operate in Vermont.  Our goal is to utilize Awareness to Action as a community development platform to serve the community and build relationships.  Please pray for favor with state officials who will be reviewing our application.  Also ask God to give us wisdom in how to best utilize this nonprofit organization to best serve Burlington.

*I’ll arrive in Burlington on Monday, November 8, with Pippin the wonder dog to spend a couple of days scoping out our apartment & house rental finalists.  Christin and Jude will fly into Burlington at the end of that week, and our furniture will be delivered to our new address on Friday, November 12. Pray for a smooth transition with all of those moving parts and also ask for God to give me some real discernments as I visit each of our potential homes in person with security deposit in hand.

*On Saturday, November 13, we’re moving in!  We’re so thankful to have a crew from the Point Church in NJ traveling up to assist us as well as some college guys from New Life Community Church in Northfield, VT.  With the small ruckus will be creating, please pray that God will use this to help us begin building meaningful relationships with our neighbors and others in the surrounding community.

*You can also continue praying for Miles Ean and Matt Mashue (along with Tirzah and Benjamin) as they search for jobs in the Burlington area.  Just pray that God leads them to the right job at the right time.

As always, thank you for your prayers!

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